Jun, 2017

Farms for City Children is an education charity founded by Michael and Clare Morpurgo in 1976. Kate is delighted to support this charity and be their Vice President.

Each year, the charity offers over 3,200 children a week of muck and magic at one of their three farms. A week-long stay at one of our farms inspires children to get stuck in and enjoy all that the countryside has to offer them—from sunshine and fresh air, right through to mud and manure! But it is in amongst the muck (come rain or shine) that the magic really happens.

Out of the normal classroom environment and away from the inner city life that is everyday normality for these children they are encouraged to try new things, broaden their horizons and overcome their fears. For so many of the visiting children a garden, rolling hills and real live animals are the kind of things they see on the TV. But on the farm they have it all to experience! As a result of a hardworking and very fun week’s work, children discover new confidence and independence. And as they work together, talk and value one another for what they can achieve, their self esteem blossoms.

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Kate Img Geese taking flight