Wild & wooly on Shetland
Jun, 2023

Kate’s been back to Shetland for another fantastic trip with Shetland Nature Holidays, joining Brydon and the team to lead their Wild & Wooly week. They met folk musicians, story tellers, crafters, crofters and plenty of the beautiful native wildlife. If you missed out this year, she’ll be doing it again next May.

Throughout the week Kate is joined by resident Shetlander, crofter and nature writer Jon Dunn, who will co-lead the tour. The pair are also joined by native naturalist  Brydon Thomason to share an insight into the life of Shetland’s Otters. You’ll meet the crofters who care for the land, the designers, knitters and lace-makers who make the finest garments from Shetland wool, and the wildlife that live alongside them in the islands – and, of course, the Shetland sheep themselves!

This will be a tour unlike any other – a wild and woolly exploration of Shetland’s heart.

Take a look at Wild & Woolly: Shetland with Kate Humble
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Kate Img Geese taking flight